In that this is a journey without a visible end (I'm fairly certain that I am "loced for life"), I thought it would be a good idea to continue documenting my journey.
In tribute to my on-line friend, Ms. Cheryl B aka Daez I thought that I would also throw in some helpful information as well. This page will have larger pictures (closer looks at the locs) and more specific information about what I do to my locs.

I thought it would be interesting to compare my first set of locs with my second set- what a difference.

September 2002- I celebrated my one year locing aniversary in August 2002. This is not my first attempt at locing (see Leslie's Hair Journey) but it was my first attempt at doing it "right". What right meant to me was forming my locs as I wanted them, nourishing and maintaining my own hair, reaping the benefits of a healthy head of hair. As previously documented (The Year of Locing Carefully), I went through a year of discovery: about my hair, products to use on my hair, and even a little bit of discovery about myself. As you can see above, after a year, my hair has curly spirals on the tips and is still a bit frizzy. Some of my locs still have the little fuzz balls on the tips. I have a lot of "new growth" at the root. The reason I quoted "new growth" is because I sometimes wonder if this is hair that is left after breakage. I do braid, curl and nubian knot my hair to give it some volume. I usually do this after I wet it thoroughly. When it dries and "shrinks", I can feel my hair being pulled. This pulling may be causing some breakage, although not severe breakage. My rootbeds feel great!

November 2002- These pictures are taken under more natural light with flash. I'm pretty much a "what you see is what you get" kind of person. I have just spritzed my hair with my daily spritz formula (recipe to follow). My hair seems to have taken off as far as growth is concerned. I am very happy about that! My locs in the front of my head are much thinner and firmer than the locs in the back of my head. The hair in the very back of my head has a very loose curl and will not hold very well. I have had to tree locs back there also. I still have places where the hair has not taken hold back there! I keep braiding it and training it and hoping that one day it will cooperate. I lost my little beaded loc in late September, *sniff*. It was thinning out so much at the root that I was afraid that one day I was going to yank it out of my head. I cut it off and braided what was left into a neighboring loc.