This picture was taken in
July 2005. I was twisting my wet hair into nubian knots and then letting it dry to form these waves. I really loved the look, but after doing it a few too many times, I noticed that my roots were starting to get a little weak. I decided to give that style a rest and get some strength back into my roots.
I'm still amazed that this is all my hair and that it has been so easy to care for. After so many years of not having any length and thinking that I would be bald or wearing a TWA for the rest of my life, this is a very pleasant surprise. Locing is so natural to me. I feel like this is the way I was always meant to wear my hair. I have no reservations about doing it and I wear my locs proudly. I've never had anyone say anything negative to me about them.

October 2005

January 2006
This picture was taken to show hair ornaments that I make for myself. I think my hair looks really healthy.

August 2006
Hair is getting grayer but I'm not going to color it any time soon. It's been very hot and I have been traveling. I just keep it moisturized and conditioned and so far so good. Loving the length and the ease of maintenance. I should probably be thinking about styles about now, but I don't have the skills nor am I close to any locticians to help.
Here is the inspiration for the hair ties- BRUNSLI BLOG
I made these myself and just love them.